We know Southend. And that’s not just about knowing a particular street, it’s about knowing the nuances of what’s happening on one particular corner at one particular end of that street. It’s about knowing where that new bakery or restaurant is planning to open, and where the catchment starts, and ends, for that particular school. That makes a difference. And that knowledge is here waiting to help you.
I have been involved in property from all angles, as a seller, buyer, landlord, tenant and agent – through years of working for local independents and national in the borough of Southend.
After a while I came to the inescapable conclusion that I could improve on almost everything modern agents had to offer.
Hence the birth of Chiddicks Homes and the reason that you are reading this now.
As proud members of the Property Ombudsman and the Deposit Protection Service (DPS) you can have confidence that we strive every day to uphold the very best customer care and standards of service.
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