Besides getting the price right, how else are you going to make sure you attract the purchasers who
will be prepared to pay the price you want?
How are you going to discover those “golden nuggets” those purchasers that are ready and able to buy your home?
You need to make sure your property stands out head and shoulders above the clutter of all the other properties that you are in competition with. Advertising your home in the same way as everyone else, whether it is in the newspapers or the internet is not going to cut the mustard. So what is your preferred agent going to do to achieve this?
Insider tip: Whilst talking about newspapers, be wary of agents who have pages and pages of advertising in the local newspaper they are not doing it to sell your home. They are doing it to impress in the hope they will get more instructions.
The reason I say this is because the majority of those looking to buy a home look on the internet and not in
the papers.
You want an agent that is going to give your home WOW appeal. What does that involve, I hear you ask? To give you some idea of what you should expect from an agent, here are just a few of the special things we do for our clients.
We personalise your property details to make them individual. Not only does this make your property
read differently it gives your home a personality.
We use high quality photographs. A picture paints a 1,000 words so they better be good ones, to show
your home off in the best way. The more attractive your home looks the more buyers will want to view it.
We send our clients a link to the online details so you can send them out to their friends and contacts
on Facebook and Twitter. Word of mouth is very powerful and we give you the words to post so your contacts send them onto their friends.
We are also active on social media, spreading the word about our clients’ properties on our Facebook
company page.
We use all our contacts to spread the word about our client’s homes. Solicitors, accountants, insurance
brokers in fact to all those we have an email address for receive details of your home and they in turn send
it onto their contacts and friends if they think they would be interested.
This way you have a sales force working on your behalf to find that one special buyer.
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